New Ultimate Coffee DateWelcome to the March edition of the Ultimate Coffee Date hosted by Coco and Deborah.  It’s also time for another edition of Fit Five Friday hosted by My First 5K and More, Running with AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and me!  

Now, grab a mug of your favorite beverage, and let’s chat briefly!

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that I am no longer going to NYC to run the half marathon.  The training hasn’t been there.  I thought about running it without training but feel like I will end up injured.  And that is the last thing I want.  I am happy I ran it last year and maybe will plan to go again another year.

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that last month I told you that I paid over $600 for night guards.  Imagine my surprise when I got a message from the receptionist telling me that apparently my insurance did cover it and I was getting a check back.  That money went straight to my savings account.

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you about my fun experience when I went to get a mammogram.  Last week on Thursday I got a reminder for my appointment the next day at 8:40am.  The next day I left a little early so I could get something to eat for breakfast and to hopefully be seen before my appointment time.  I knew it wouldn’t take long and the plan was to go back to work.  I arrived at the hospital but the receptionist told me that she didn’t see my name on the calendar.  I was confused thinking that maybe I had the wrong date and time.  But how could I when I got a reminder the day before.  Suddenly, I realized that I was in the wrong hospital.  I had gone to the one I used to go.  Luckily, it was still early and the correct hospital was about 15 minutes away.  I arrived on time and was done in about 10 minutes. 

I got my results yesterday.  Everything is normal.  

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that a few weeks ago I made an offer on a house and it was not accepted.  My offer was $30k OVER the asking price!  My agent told me the owners received 32 offers.  The house was “cheap” and it needed some work to be done.  I was ready to do it and was actually excited about it.

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you I am now a fan of shopping at Aldi’s.  I remember the store as a kid.  I also remember it (years later) the store being closed on Sundays and they would only take cash or debit cards only (not the case now).  I have found some great options there and for a lower price.  I like to buy chips, fruit, and vegetables.   I also like the balsamic vinaigrette for my salad.  Can you believe that these past two weeks I have eaten a salad for lunch?  Yep, my salad has spinach, strawberry, chickpeas, feta cheese, and walnuts or sunflower seeds.  It is delicious and looks so pretty. 

The topic for next week’s Fit Fit Friday – 5 things in your gym bag.  Feel free to write about this or any fitness topic you’d like.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

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28 Comments on Fit Five Friday and March 2024 Ultimate Coffee Date

  1. You made the right call about NYC but I was hoping to meet up.

    Sorry about the house. It is a tough market. Hopefully the right one will come along soon.

    I like ALDis but there is not one near my house.

  2. Wow, 30+ offers on a house! Sorry it didn’t work out for you, but hopefully you’ll find something even better. I recently had my mammogram as well, all clear for me as well 🙂 (but OUCH!!!).

  3. Nice bonus on the insurance! The surprises usually go the other way.

    LOL on going to the wrong place for your mammo. Glad you were able to make it to the other. When I had to get an x-ray last fall I walked to three different places before I found one that could fit me in — they don’t take appts, so I had to try as a walk-in.

    Ugh on the house offer. That is frustrating.

  4. Too bad about the house! I hope you find what you are looking for soon-spring is a good time to house shop. Sounds like you make the right decision about NYC.

  5. Going to the wrong location for a medical appointment sounds like something I would do. Glad you had time on your side and made it to the correct hospital on time.

    I’m so sorry to hear that your offer on the house wasn’t accepted. Hopefully, another house that you like will come on the market again soon.

    Yay for unexpected cash even if it was originally yours.

  6. I am sorry you are not running the half, but glad you are being smart about it. It is always nice to get reimbursed for something! Glad your mammogram results were normal! I had an abnormal one a couple of years ago and it scared me. Turns out it was nothing to worry about it, but when they call you back it is always nerve racking. We have an Aldi that just opened here. I need to visit it!

  7. Well, you’ve shared a lot of good and bad in this post! Too bad about the house, but good that everything came out fine from the mammogram. Too bad about missing the race, but good that you got $600 back for the nightguards! And, extra good that you’ve been eating salads for lunch. We have an Aldi near us but I don’t usually shop there- I should try again, everyone seems to love it.

  8. We have Aldi’s and my mom swears by it, but none of them are super close, so I usually don’t go.

    I’m sorry about New York. It’s probably the right call if your training hasn’t been there, but the disappointment is probably still there.

    Yay for $600 back and yay for a clear mammogram! Although I would have done something like gone to the wrong location, too.

    Ugh about the house. Real estate is so wonky right now. I’m keeping an eye out, although we are trying to stay put for six years (until A graduates college).

    • I am not too disappointed. I had a feeling in January I wasn’t going to run because I wasn’t keeping up with my training. I thought that if maybe I could do my long runs then I would be OK. That didn’t happen.

  9. So sorry about New York. I understand the disappointment, but agree what you/others have said, if your training wasn’t there it was probably the right call.
    HOORAY for a clear mammogram! I have to start getting them soon and I’m not ready. My dr told me that the first one will probably come back with seeing somethign and needing another visit because of the type of machine they use, so yay.
    My mom loves Aldi’s but I never go! Maybe if I had one closer to me I would. I do love Trader Joe’s though!

  10. I have a scheduling conflict and can’t go to NYC for the half either! I’m really sad but am planning to do Brooklyn instead. Are you running Shamrock or the 13.1?

    Sorry about the house – must have been a really good deal!

  11. I’m sorry about the house. 32 offers is insane. The market must be crazy. Sounds like you made a wise choice about the NYC half. Racing untrained is not fun. Yay for the $600 reimbursement!

  12. I’ve always wondered why nightguards are so expensive + why they’re usually not covered by insurance — what a happy surprise for you! :]

    Glad that you ended up still getting to your mammogram appt in time + that it was normal.

    I love Aldi’s! I wish they had one here.

    • Now it makes me wonder if this coverage is new because I’be had 2-3 different night guards and I’ve had to pay them. They weren’t expensive like the ones I just got but still.

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