Welcome to the December edition of the Ultimate Coffee Date hosted by Coco and Deborah.  It’s also time for another edition of Fit Five Friday hosted by My First 5K and More, Running with AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and me!  

This is the last coffee date of 2023!  What a year it has been.  I wanted to participate every month but made it to all except for two months.  Not bad at all.  It is fun to catch up and read everyone’s post.  Now, grab a mug of your favorite beverage, and let’s chat briefly!

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that I was inspired while spectating the Chicago Marathon last month and entered the lottery for next year.  I will find out in a few days if I get picked.  I haven’t run a marathon since 2016.  I got a PR that year and bettered my time by 40 minutes from my first marathon in 2006.

I read my race recap and laughed.  Erica wrote about how disliked “The number of people who report being “disappointed” after running a personal best in the Chicago Marathon”.  I agree with her, but I wrote the same thing in 2016.

I may not have gotten a huge PR and I am a little disappointed in myself.  I trained hard this summer. OK, so I did miss a few runs and the last 3 weeks I hardly ran at all.  I am glad I was able to finish but I know I could have done better.  I was hoping to finish under 5 hours. Sigh. Maybe I should just stop here, let it go, and move on.  Another marathon in the books and call it a day.

I also entered the lottery for the NYC Half Marathon in March and I got picked.  I was actually surprised that I got picked again.  I am excited about it.  I hope to actually train for it and that it isn’t too cold like it was this year.

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that even though I am not a big fan of Halloween, I had a good time that day.  It was wild!  I spent the morning going over reading and math, but the afternoon was all about Halloween.  We passed out candy; played musical chairs, bingo, and hot potato; we danced; and then we had a school parade.  My students said they had fun.  Mission accomplished!

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that last week I got the covid and a flu vaccines along with the second shingles booster.  Last year I only got the flu and shingles and was sick the next day.  The same thing happened this year.  I had a fever and my whole body ached.  I could barely get out of bed, but I managed because I had to eat and use the bathroom.  Priorities.  On Thursday I felt so much better and felt like a new woman.

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that Kim will no longer host the Tuesday Linkup with me.  Her last post with me will be on December 26.  We had a good time together and am happy for those years we hosted it together.  I am pleased that Jenn will be hosting the linkup with me.  I have been working on a new graphic for us.  It was fun creating one and I even made one with our favorite pets but, no, we will not be using that one.

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that I’ve been looking for a race shirt.  I’ve always liked how Erica has one shirt she wears for her races.  During a big race it is “easy” to find her.  The shirt that I originally wanted wasn’t available in my size.  I found another one in a different color but in a men’s size.  It doesn’t fit quite well.  I will keep looking and hopefully will get one soon.

The topic for next week’s Fit Fit Friday – 5 running/fitness safety tips.  Feel free to write about this or any fitness topic you’d like.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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14 Comments on Fit Five Friday and December 2023 Ultimate Coffee Date

  1. Good luck with the Chicago lottery!
    Sorry to hear that Kim is no longer hosting the Tuesday linkup, but glad that Jenn is joining. I hope Kim will continue to post, she always has interesting input.

  2. I think we are so hard on ourselves, we always wish we had done better even if we did great! NYC will be fun!

    Your Halloween party at school sounds like fun.

    Thanks for joining us for coffee!

    • Thanks. I am looking at other races for next year too. Hopefully I am able to run more than this year. But no matter what, I will be happy with whatever running I get to do.

  3. Good luck with Chicago. I hope you get in.
    That’s great that you got into NYC. I hope this year, we can meet.

    Will miss Kim esp since this is the only post she does.

    Glad that it is continuing. It gives me something to write about each week.

    • Happy to see your posts every Tuesday. I am always impressed that you always have something to write about. I have my moments when I am lost and don’t have an interesting post.

  4. Oh really? I’ll have to make sure I join some of the Tuesday linkups before Kim stops hosting. Jenn will make a fabulous cohost though!
    I’ll be excited to hear if you get into Chicago! Sounds like you have some big plans for this coming year.
    Ugh, I keep meaning to get the shingles vaccine (I do NOT want to get shingles!!!) I just have to figure out when I can set aside a day to recover from it.
    Glad Halloween was so much fun!

  5. Congrats on NYC, and good luck with Chicago! I’ve certainly had a few marathons (and races of all distances, for that matter) that did not go anywhere close to my plan. Getting to the finish line can be such a struggle, but I have found those races are the ones I learn the best lessons from.

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