Welcome to the May edition of the Ultimate Coffee Date hosted by Coco and Deborah.  It’s also time for another edition of Fit Five Friday hosted by My First 5K and More, Running with AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and me!  

Now, grab a mug of your favorite beverage, and let’s chat briefly!

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that today is my last day of school.  How many times have I mentioned that already?  It will be an easy day today.  However, I am running out of ideas with what to do with my students.  After work, I have plans with my coworker to go out for drinks and dinner.

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that I am happy that when I tried to sign up for a half marathon on Sunday, it was sold out.  I have a graduation party on Saturday and know I will be up late.  When that happens I struggle the next day.  I need a full day just to recover.  I will have little energy to run on Sunday.  Well, maybe a few miles, but not 13.1 miles.

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that I paused my Peloton membership (effective 6/15).  I was using it for running and not worth paying the membership monthly fee.  I know, I know, I need to use the bike.  Sigh.  I have no reason as to why I am not using it.  Hopefully, I will once I get my life together.

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that it is so fun seeing all of the graduation pictures on Facebook.  It is also fun remembering my high school and college graduations from way back in the 90s.  

If we were having coffee…
I’d ask you if you’re interested in running a half marathon in Fargo, ND with me next year.  Let’s take advantage of the early bird special of $64 for the half marathon (regular is $99).  I still need 8 more states to run in to finish my 50+1 state goal.

The topic for next week’s Fit Fit Friday – Your 5 favorite fitness power songs.  Feel free to write about this or any fitness topic you’d like.  We hope you’ll link up with us!


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29 Comments on Fit Five Friday and June 2023 Ultimate Coffee Date

  1. Congrats on surviving another school year! I had a rough visit on Wednesday with a really obnoxious 12 year old boy that made me glad I’m not a teacher. I can’t imagine dealing with that daily.

    I’m running that half marathon on Sunday and I’m a little anxious about it for some reason. I’m certainly ready to run 13.1 but it’s the logistics that have me spinning, lol.

  2. Happy last day of school!

    I find that building my “stack” of workouts the evening before gets me on the bike — If I’m not running I add a 20 min ride after my strength classes. Once it’s lined up I feel more committed to doing it. 😉

  3. 42 states!!!! wow… I would take you up on it if it were closer. But I don’t have any state goals…

    I’m guilty of signing up for races too far in advance and then regret it.. Sounds like you lucked out and can’t run.

  4. Wow, $64 for a half marathon is a bargain- of course I’d have to pay for a flight to Fargo, so that jacks up the price a little… it would be a fun blogger meetup though!
    Congratulations on your last day!!! That’s so exciting. i think the last day of school is actually the very best day of summer. Have fun tonight!

  5. I still need 30 states, sigh, but I really can’t commit to anything that far in advance. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had plans and had to change them due to my mom.

    Isn’t it kind of nice when the decision on whether or not to do a race is taken out of your hands?

    Welcome to Summer!

  6. First of all! Yay for summer break! You did it!

    Second, when I saw your post about ND, I had to sit on my damn hands. I want to gooooooo and Mr PugRunner is absolutely not into Fargo lol. That being said, I was thinking about Flying Pig next year…

  7. hey lady. i’m glad you are finally done with school for this year. And I’m glad “fate” had it so that you could not sign up for the half marathon! sometimes it just works out better that way! I have a spin bike at home that I’m also not using right now – I mean I got a LOT of use out of it in the beginning but I can’t do all of the things. I just can’t. we have to make choices. I wish I had the luxury of having more time (or not having to work that would be amazing hahaha!) and energy but I don’t. c’est la vie.

    here’s to the summer break!!

  8. Congrats on surviving another school year and I hope you have a (very well-deserved) relaxing summer!!

    I stopped my gym memberships because I wasn’t going anywhere near enough times to justify what I was paying. We built a home gym so I just need to use that more now!

    • It makes perfect sense to stop the gym membership. It’s been years since I’ve been to the gym because I had the Peloton membership which includes many different classes. But ask him how many times I took advantage of that. 😀

  9. Yay! Happy last day of school! You made it!

    I think stopping Peloton makes sense. You can always restart it in a few months if you decide you miss it. I feel like I just want to be outside in the nicer weather and find myself doing fewer and fewer indoor workouts.

  10. Have a wonderful summer Zenaida! Hope you find a way to work in some bike workouts but it’s smart to pause it if you’re not using it.

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