TT 5 Tuesday PromptsHappy Tuesday!  Thank you for joining me and Jenn for another edition of Tuesday Topics.  Remember to link up with us!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Don’t forget to come back for later linkers!

Here is another post with some interesting prompts in the Jetpack app.  Ready?

• What advice would you give to your younger self?  Start early to save money for retirement.  I started saving money after college.  A boss told me to and I listened to her.  I am glad I did!  I would also tell my younger self to buy property.  I bought a condo a few years ago and then sold it to move back home.  I shouldn’t have done that.  My plan for when I retire is to live in a condo along the lakefront.  I am hoping that I can still buy a house now and then sell it when I retire.  Maybe prices will be different for senior citizens?  🙂

• What is the biggest challenge you will face in the next six months?  To make it through this school year with the various issues I’ve been having with my students.  I have 24 and half of them are below or well below level in reading.  Everyone except 2 placed in either kindergarten or 1st grade level in Math.  I have 6 newcomers and about half of my students have some kind of behavior issue (they don’t listen, they don’t stop talking, they’re always touching something or someone).  I have separated everyone but grouped the newcomers with another student so that that student can help them.

• What is your favorite drink?  I have a few in the non-alcoholic category – water, coffee, and coke/diet coke.  In the alcoholic category, I like wine and martinis.

• Where do you see yourself in 10 years?  Either being close to retirement or already in retirement.  For the former, I hope I am not a classroom teacher.  It is too stressful and I want to enjoy the last couple of years.  I would like to work as a math interventionist.  We don’t have enough Spanish speaking math interventionists in the District which is surprising because the community is Spanish speaking.  My students are not being serviced/helped because there is no Spanish speaking math interventionist in my school.  How is that fair?

•What jobs have you had?  Explain.  After college, I worked for The Lodge in Oak Brook, IL.  It was an administrative position helping out The Director of Sales and the Sales Managers.  I was there for a few months before moving to The American Bar Association (ABA).  I worked for that company till 2019 when I got my teaching job.  At the ABA I worked in several departments.  I began as an administrative assistant and then worked in Marketing.  I don’t remember my exact titles but thanks to my last position, I traveled to many different states such as CA, NY, GA, TX, and OH. 

I never wanted to be a teacher.  I got tired of working for lawyers and wanted something more challenging.  I was working at the ABA while in school for my teaching degree.  There was a program funded by the State of Illinois which paid the tuition for professionals that wanted to make a career change to teaching.  I took advantage of it and only had to pay for my books.

The topic for next week – Share your favorite running item(s) you’ve tried this year.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

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4 Comments on Tuesday Topics: Five Tuesday Prompts, Part 1

  1. These are intriguing questions. I keep a “Vision” of myself of what my life will look like in 10 years. I think it’s important to have a road map and know what direction you want your life to take.
    It’s not too late to buy another condo! You can still buy one you can afford now and then rent it out. The housing prices will only go up – even more than in the past.

  2. These are great.

    I worked for a private school for 22 years. No retirement. Low salary. Now I still have to work.

    Finish 26.2 miles.

    I hope I am healthy in 10 years and still running.

    I was a French teacher then technology coordinator trainer etc.

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