New Ultimate Coffee DateWelcome to the August edition of the Ultimate Coffee Date hosted by Coco and Deborah.  It’s also time for another edition of Fit Five Friday hosted by My First 5K and More, Running with AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and me!  

Now, grab a mug of your favorite beverage, and let’s chat briefly!

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that I am looking forward to the new school year.  I know, I know.  Soon I will be complaining about the school year.  This year there are three 2nd grade teachers (last year there were 5) and I will be the only dual language teacher for my grade.  It sucks because I will be “alone” but I can use it as an excuse when extra work needs to be done and I have no one else to work with.

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you I am getting nervous and anxious about the Chicago Marathon.  I am OK with the runs doing the week.  The long runs are what scare me.  They’re long and exhausting.  I am doing 13 this weekend.  The last time I ran this long was in March 2023.  I know I can do it, I’ve run marathons before, but still they make me nervous.

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that I got the test results from my blood work.  My A1C is fine but my proteins levels are low.  Interesting that this has never been an issue.  I knew I wasn’t getting enough protein but I didn’t realize that my levels were that low.  More protein for me!

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that I had no one to take care of my cats during my trip to Minnesota.  The few times I’ve been out of town, my sister has taken care of them.  This time she went with us.  I left my cats at the PetsHotel at Petsmart.  It was one of the most difficult things to do but I had no choice.  My cats weren’t eating for the first few days and were not adjusting well.  I went straight to pick them up on the way home from Minnesota.  I’m not sure who was more happy – me or them.

If we were having coffee…
I’d ask you if you shop at Marshalls and/or Ross.  I’ve bought a few kitchen items but that’s it.  A few weeks ago I went to Ross but cannot remember why I looked in the shoe department.  Imagine my surprise when I found a pair of the Brooks Launch in my size for $50.  I then looked in several other stores and have purchased 2 more pairs of the Launch and one pair of the Ghost.  I’ve gone back and have bought a few tops for work and 3 pairs of work shoes.  I am a fan of those stores!

The topic for next week’s Fit Fit Friday – 5 training tips for running or fitness.  Feel free to write about this or any fitness topic you’d like.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

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17 Comments on Fit Five Friday and August 2024 Ultimate Coffee Date

  1. Wow! Great score on those running shoes!

    Have you tried the Rover app? That’s how we find someone to take care of Scooby — he goes to their house so we don’t have to worry about a stranger being in our house. Maybe even that would be a harder adjustment for cats?

    • I found out about that app while in Minnesota. My cousin’s daughter does that kind of work through Rover. For sure next time I will use those services. I’d rather them go to someone’s house instead of being locked up. I am sure they were taken care of but they’re used to roaming throughout the apartment.

  2. I think cat are happier at home, even if a stranger is coming in to feed them. But any way you do it, it’s hard- they don’t like changes to their routine!
    Good luck with the new school year. It sounds like it’ll be difficult, but you have a good attitude! And, I do know that feeling about being scared of long runs. You’ve done it before, and you can do it again! It’ll be fun : )

  3. We don’t have Ross but I’m a big fan of Marshall’s.

    I’m very nervous about those long runs. Most days 3 miles feels hard.

    We will get it done!!

  4. Protein is super important especially as we age. Just takes some planning ahead for me. Glad to hear that you are progressing with your training. Long runs are always hard but you can do it!

    • I’ve been eating more food with protein but didn’t realize till the bloodwork how low my levels were. So many changes happening to us as we age. I don’t like it!

  5. Nice score on those shoes! I’m surprised they’d have name brand running shoes, but that’s a great tip! Those stores always have great deals, but sometimes it’s a hit & miss adventure, LOL.

  6. Haha if you weren’t looking forward to the new school year after being happy that the old one is over, I’d think someone had abducted you and taken your place!

    Just keep on keeping on with your training. And try not to worry about anything more than the training week ahead of you. You definitely can do this. I struggled with my training and I didn’t make the cut off time but I still finished and made the results. And there were plenty of people behind me. You will definitely do better than I was able to at the marathon!!

    Cat sitting situations are tough. We struggle sometimes. We have automatic feeders and such but they need people! I’m currently taking care of a friend’s cats and try to stay with them as long as I can but some days I feel guilty for just doing the basics. You’re a good cat mom.

    I prefer Marshall’s over Ross. Every time I’m in the states I go there!

  7. I hope you have a great school year! What awesome to find Brooks shoes on markdown. All the best with your marathon training. You can do it!

  8. First, I hope you have a wonderful school year. Second, I am so proud of you for all your efforts. The Chicago Marathon is going to be amazing. And finally, I wish I lived closer. I pet sit, and would be so happy to take care of your guys. that being said, the cat I’m watching right now is just starting to tolerate my existence. We’re working it out.

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