Monthly Review-June 2024This week’s Tuesday Topic is a FREE topic.  Feel free to post any running-related blog post.  Remember to link up with Jenn and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Let me tell you about how June is going for me:

Mileage:  To date I’ve run 26.99 and walked 6.53 miles.

Run the Year 2024:  I signed up to run and walk 2,024 miles this year.  So far I have completed 178.16 miles (per the RTE Tracker).  I am training for the Chicago Marathon and I am excited to see how it will go and to see how many miles it will add to this goal.

Current Book:  I finished reading“The Bad Muslim Discount”, “The Last Thing He Told Me”, and now am reading “The Unsinkable Greta James”.  I am liking the book.  It reminds me of my cruise to Alaska and now I want to go on another cruise.

Injuries:  None.  My knees don’t hurt anymore and the pain with plantar fasciitis comes and goes.  I will be running more and I don’t want this injury to affect my training .  I have an appointment with a podiatrist next week and hopefully we can find a solution (maybe a cortisone shot).

Races:  None.

Health:  I am doing OK.  I am still dealing struggling with hot flashes and the weight gain.  I had some blood work done and my A1C level came back as pre-diabetic.  I couldn’t believe it.  This is the 2nd time it has happened.  I see how much diabetes has affected my mom and it frightens me that one day I will be diabetic too.

School:  The last day of Summer School is Friday.  I will miss some of the students.  There is one that is clingy and always wants to be next to me.  Another one likes hugging me.

What I am looking forward to next month:  I am going to Minnesota for a few days.  I still need to find an Airbnb.  There aren’t too many places available and the ones that are available are too expensive.  We’re talking $800-900 a night for a house – there is a house for $4,000 per night!  I realize it is cheaper than a hotel but that much money for a place in Minnesota?  Or is that what the rate is now?

The topic for next week:  Your 2024 mid-year review.  Feel free to write about this or any running-related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

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10 Comments on Tuesday Topics: June 2024 Review

  1. All the best for your Chicago Marathon training! I am sure this will have a positive impact on your health, too.
    Let’s hope the PF doesn’t flare up again. Getting a podiatrist to look at it is smart!

  2. Good luck with your training.

    I think I have PF but it doesn’t bother me when I run only after standing and walking.

    Have in MN. Hope you find a nice place to stay.

  3. I hope your training goes well for Chicago and that you can get your plantar fasciitis taken care of so it doesn’t affect your ability to run comfortably. Cross training might be a good solution so you’re not spending as many days running (maybe replace one day with a ride on your Peloton?).

    I find that often after adding in the cleaning fees and other costs, Airbnb’s can be more expensive than hotels; although I prefer to stay in an Airbnb. I hope you can find an affordable place to stay while in MN. Enjoy your trip!

  4. That’s exciting that you are marathon training again. Look forward to following along!

  5. That much for Minnesota? That’s a lot! We go back and forth from hotels to Air B&Bs. If we are on vacation, we don’t really like to cook, and since there are only three of us, we can make a hotel work. Unless we bring the pugs.

    Happy last day of summer school, and cheers to training! I hope the PF gets under control quickly.

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