Tuesday Topics-234This week’s Tuesday Topic:  What are your Summer running plans or race schedule?  You can write about this topic or post any running-related blog post.  Remember to link up with Jenn and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

While it isn’t officially Summer here but it it feels like Summer.  This week we will have temperature in the 90s.  Thank goodness for AC!  I really don’t want to be outside in this weather.

This is what I have planned for this Summer – running and non running.

• Run the Elmhurst 4 on the 4th.  It is one of my favorite races and I cannot wait. This year the race will be on Thursday.  

• Train for the Chicago Marathon.  I signed up to train with a group.  The training will start on June 24th.  I am not a big fan of Summer running, but I know that it is the best time for me to train for a marathon.  I am off during the Summer and it is easier for me to rest and nap after my runs.  I do struggle when I go back to work because then I am tired from spending so much time setting up my room.  

• Walking more.  I haven’t been consistent with my walks.  I want to do a short walk after each run; longer if it is a longer run.  I still have that goal to run/walk 2,014 miles this year.

• Continue to relax.  Everyone has a different way to relax.  I like to read and watch TV.  My goal this year is to read 24 books.  I am reading my 10th book but need to read more to catch up.  

• Work on some school projects.   I know I shouldn’t be working on school stuff in the Summer, but I want to get a head start so that I am not doing this during the school year.  There aren’t a lot of Spanish resources and many times I have to translate them.  Now is the perfect time to do these things.

What I would love to do is create a few projects and sell them on Teachers Pay Teacher.   It will be a great way to earn some additional money.

Next week is a FREE topic.  Feel free to write about any running-related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

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6 Comments on Tuesday Topics: My Summer 2024 running plans/race schedule

  1. Yay for summer! Looks like you won’t have any opportunities to be bored 🙂 I hope your summer brings you lots of fun & relaxation, and a great start to your marathon training!

  2. You are right… for teachers, summer is training time. Hope it’s not a hot one.

    I love to race on July 4th too.

    I’ve let my walks go… I want to get back to everyday that I don’t run.

  3. I hope that your Chicago Marathon training is super fun, even though it’s in summer! And I hope that you have plenty of time to relax the way you like!

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