TT 5 Tuesday PromptsHappy Tuesday!  Thank you for joining me and Jenn for another edition of Tuesday Topics.  Remember to link up with us!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Don’t forget to come back for later linkers!

Yesterday was my first day of Summer School.  I have 15 students in my roster and 13 showed up.  We made the best of it and almost everyone said they had fun and would return the next day.  One girl told me my class was boring.  Oh well.  😀

I have the Jetpack app on my phone and every day there is a new prompt for people to write about.  They’re interesting prompts.  I picked a few and will be writing a few sentences answering each prompt.  Ready?

• If you had to change your name, what would your new name be?  Gosh.  For the longest time I didn’t like my name.  Many people couldn’t pronounce it.  Heck, sometimes I can’t even pronounce it correctly!  I was named after my grandmother, my dad’s mom.  Sometimes I want a simple and easy name.  I want a name like Maria or Elizabeth.  But I know that if I had a simple or easy name, I would probably dislike it.

• Have you ever broken a bone?  No.  I have been to the emergency room when I broke a drinking glass with my arm and had to get stitches.

• What’s a job you would like to do for just one day?  I would like to be a Superintendent or an Assistant Superintendent.  I always say that those not in the classroom should not be making decisions that affect teachers and students.  More than once I’ve wondered how decisions are made and when decisions are made, those making the decisions really think the best decision was made.

• When do you feel more productive?  For me it is in the morning.  I wake up at 5am.  I check my email, read blog posts, or do some school work.  Teaching is mentally exhausting and after work I want to come home to relax either by watching TV or reading a book.  Sometimes I like a beer or some wine.  Or both!  Just kidding. 

•What is one question you hate to be asked?  Explain.  When are you getting married/why aren’t you married?  People would ask me this question.  I cannot remember exactly when they stopped asking this question.  Years ago I was planning to get married.  That didn’t work out and then later I thought I would eventually get married.  That didn’t happen.  I am OK with the decision I made/the way it turned out for me.  Sometimes I do wonder how my life would be if I were married.

The topic for next week – What are your Summer running plans or race schedule?  Tell us about it  Feel free to write about this or any running-related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

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6 Comments on Tuesday Topics: Five Tuesday Prompts, Part 1

  1. I find those prompts on the Jetpack app intriguing, too!
    People used to ask whether we’re planning to have kids, now it has changed to whether we have kids.
    I say “no” and usually add that we chose to have no kids.
    It sometimes leads to very interesting conversations!

  2. Those prompts are thought-provoking! Up until August 2020, I could brag about never having broken a bone…but then the stress fracture made its appearance. Thankfully, it was a very tiny injury, but in a pretty high-maintenance on my foot.

  3. My name is Jennifer, like so many other women born in the 70s. I hated it and wanted to changed it to River. Because deep down, I’m a hippie. Now? It’s fine. If I ever changed it, I’m not sure what it would be.

    Yes, I’ve broken two bones. Do not recommend.

    I hate when people ask me about politics. :/

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