Month: February 2020

Weekly Run Down: Three runs this week and 2 more weeks

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Hey there!  I hope you all had a great week.  Last week I wrote about how I did not feel well.  I didn’t get a cold and I feel so much better.  Maybe I just needed to rest?  I have a race in two weeks and I absolutely cannot get sick.

I don’t remember too much about this run.  I just know I did run.

WEDNESDAY:  4.33 miles
I wanted to do 10×400 intervals with 400m recovery.  I did 8 and each recovery was less than 1/4 mile.  Felt good but got tired towards the end.  This rarely happens but my Garmin showed the mileage as the treadmill.  I was actually shocked. 

It was not my day at the gym.  I wanted to run 4 miles but got to the gym late.  I started watching “Narcos Mexico” but honestly could not even get excited about it.  Also, I need to wake up earlier since I’ve noticed that it takes me a little bit longer to get out of the house.  

Two more weeks till the Publix Atlanta Half Marathon.  I am excited but also nervous about it.  While I am not 100% ready/trained for it, I am more ready for it than I was for the Detroit Free Press Half Marathon.  The goal is to finish it.  It will be state #43 for me.

Overall not my best week.  Since I didn’t do a long run this weekend, the plan is to do it tomorrow morning.  A little off schedule but that is OK.  Also, I have an appointment with my agent to see a house so cross your fingers that it goes well.  

How was your week?  Anyone planning to go to Atlanta to spectate the Olympic Trials and/or run the half or marathon?  A friend of mine was planning to go and share the hotel cost but now cannot make it anymore.  Let me know if you want to share a room.

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Random Thoughts Thursday 111

Random Thoughts Thursday

• I am loving these Facebook memories.  This is from two years ago on Sunday.  I think we were then off due to the weather?  

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I got home today and noticed that my iPad was not in my gym bag.  I called the gym and asked if someone had turned one in.  Sure enough someone did!  I couldn’t believe my good luck because I thought for sure someone had taken it home.  

• How funny is this?  Sure made me laugh.

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• This showed up on Facebook and it was weird to see my name on the shirt. 

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• This made me laugh too.  Sometimes I can be stubborn too.  🙂

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Tuesday Topics: My first race

Hey there!  I hope everyone is doing well.  How is it that it is Tuesday again?  Don’t the days go by fast?  I am feeling better which is a good time.  No one has time to get sick, right?  Now let’s continue with our fun topic this week.

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This week’s Tuesday Topic:  What was your first race?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to Link-up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

This topic brought so many fun memories.  I started running in the summer of 2005.  I remember I was downtown and saw a much older man running.  I told myself that if he could run then so could I.  I signed up with CARA for a beginner’s class but somehow did not complete it because I signed up again.  Haha!  I remember the goal was to run for 30 minutes but I “only” made it to 28 minutes.  Still I was pleased with how I did.  The next year is when I signed up for the Chicago Marathon. 

I didn’t know anything about running.  I had no idea what I was getting myself into but I did it anyway.  A friend from work was also a runner and he would tell me to run too.  I said “No” and that I wouldn’t/couldn’t even run a mile.  Ha, if only he could see me now.  🙂

Anyway, back to the topic.  My first race was the Tinley Turkey Trot 5K on November 12, 2005.  I don’t remember how or why I signed up.  Honestly, I don’t remember this race AT ALL.  When I was writing this post, I thought my first race was a different one and that one I do remember a bit more.  Now I am wondering if I was even there at all.  Athlinks says I was and finished in 39:48.

2005 Tinley Turkey Trot

Since then I’ve run many more 5Ks and many more races.  Each one has been a different experience and I have learned so much throughout the years.  

√ The right pair of shoes make a big difference.

√ Not every race will be a great race not will every run be a great run.

√ The right gear also makes a big difference.

√ It is OK to miss a few runs.  Don’t sweat about it.

√ Sleep is important.  No matter what, you need to sleep and rest.

√ It’s OK to run with no goal in mind.  Just run.

√ Don’t compare yourself to others.

√ Listen to your body.

√ Be flexible.  You can plan, plan, and plan, but sometimes something happens to mess up said plan.

√ Anyone can run a marathon.  I didn’t think I could and I did.  I’ve run 8 of them!  The most difficult thing about training for it is the time commitment

√ Everyone has their own accomplishments.  Of course be happy for others but most importantly be happy with yours.

√ Chafing sucks.  Taking a shower afterwards is just as painful or worse.

√ A cold beer after a race on a hot day tastes delicious.  Not so much on a cold day.

√ Running is a hobby.  Don’t get too serious about it.  If a run or race didn’t go as expected, life goes on.  🙂

What was your first race?  Have you run this race again?

Tuesday Topics

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Weekly Run Down: Sick again and a favorite treadmill

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Hey there!  I hope you all had a great week.  Mine was OK because I got sick again.  So far this year hasn’t been kind to me.  Oh well.  Enough complaining and let me tell you about my week.

It just wasn’t my day at the gym.  I got there later than usual since I was in the bathroom longer than expected.  Yeah, I ate way too much on Sunday.  Monday was the day the workers decided to clean the treadmill which meant the one I use was not available.  I got on a different one but it was shaking the whole time and that wasn’t pleasant.  I moved to another one and the same thing happened.  Finally, “my” treadmill was available but by then it was time to go.  Oh well, at least something instead of nothing.


WEDNESDAY:  1.5 miles
I was tired and just could not get into my run.  I stopped my watch and when I tried to save my run, I accidentally deleted it.  I couldn’t believe it!  I don’t think that had ever happened to me.  Oh well.  Not a big deal since I manually added it.  I don’t remember exactly the distance but it was around 1.5 miles so that is what I am going by.

That night I went out with friends for dinner.  Yummy but I was so full and sleepy by the time I got home.  Oh and more snow that evening.  🙁

Again at the gym to run 4 miles.  Actually felt really good which made me happy but I was exhausted by 2pm.

I thought about running outside but it was still dark when I was ready to head out.  Back to the gym and my favorite treadmill was available.  I watched a few episodes of “Money Heist”.  I was wrong the first time I wrote about it.  There are 3 SEASONS (not episodes) so I was happy to continue watching the show.  Planet Fitness had Einstein bagels for its guests and I grabbed two.

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When I saw this I stopped running.  I was like WTF!!!!

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My poor kitty when I woke up.  Even he was still sleepy.  🙂


This was a weird week.  I kept sneezing and coughing but it did not feel like a cold.  I drank Emergen-C with warm water before going to bed each night and that helped.  Saturday morning I woke up queasy.  I had a light breakfast and then in the afternoon went out to lunch with my coworker.  Afterwards I still was not feeling well.  Still queasy and bloated.  I was so uncomfortable pretty much all day.  I am feeling so much better so that is a relief.

How was your week?  Do you have a favorite treadmill or workout machine at the gym?  

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Random Thoughts Thursday 110

Random Thoughts Thursday

• On Sunday I watched an interview with U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor and she talked about her book “Just Ask”.  I became so interested in it and decided to order it to read to my kids.  I’ve had it for a few days but have not had a chance to read it.  Has anyone read it?

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I am not a fan of Shakira nor JLo but loved their performance at the Super Bowl Halftime Show.  I know there were a lot of criticism but I am not even going to go there.  They’re both beautiful and can put on a great performance!

• I saw this in an advertisement on Amazon for a car vacuum cleaner.  Please explain to me what the last sentence means.  Engine needs to be started before a car cleaning?  Huh?

Order now.jpg• We’ve been having a mild winter and I love it.   This showed up in my Facebook memories last week.  I remember that day.  I remember going outside to start my car and to let it run for a few minutes.  Also, I wanted to know what negative 45 degrees felt like.  Yeah, it was cold.

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• I haven’t run outside since I fell.  The other day I was taking my mom to my sister’s house and I showed her exactly where I tripped.  Now you see how easy it was for me to fall?  🙂