Chicago Marathon Weekly Recap-1Happy Sunday everyone!  I am on Team TCS Teachers and training to run the Chicago Marathon on October 13.  This will be my 9th marathon and my 6th Chicago Marathon.

Here is how my week went:

Week #3, July 8-14

Monday: Walked 1.73 miles and 25 minutes on the Peloton.  It was warm and a little humid when I went outside but I enjoyed my walk.  I used the Peloton app for the walk and love listening to Matty.

Tuesday: Ran 2.70 and walked 1.23 miles.  An easy run with some hill strides.  Total 2.70 @ 12:37 average pace.

Wednesday: Ran 4.81 and walked .34 miles.  An interesting and fun workout.  I did a 1.5 mile warmup, 4×2 minutes @12:03 with 2 minutes recovery after each one, 4 minutes walking, 4×90 seconds @10:13 with 2 minutes recovery after each one, and then 1 mile cool down.  Thank goodness for the option to program this in my Garmin!

Thursday:  Walked 1.73 miles and 25 minutes on the Peloton.  I am liking a lot the low impact ride classes.  They’re not too easy and not too difficult either.

Friday: Ran 5.0 and walked .71.  The plan today was to do my long run of 9 miles.  I had a busy day on Saturday and didn’t want to be tired and sore.  However, it didn’t go as I planned.  I made it to 5 miles.  But, at least I tried.

Saturday: Ran 9 and walked .24 miles.  I tried again to run 9 miles.  I did a couple things different from Friday’s run.  1) I went out earlier in the morning, 2) I wore socks with more cushion, and 3) I did run/walk of 10:1.  The run went so much better.  I cannot believe I ran 14 miles in two days.  I took two water bottles with me – one with plain water and another one with water and Tailwind.  I think for next time I am going to have water in both of the bottles and take Huma gels with me.  It was a warm morning and I was very thirsty by the time I got home.

Sunday:  Walked 2.32 miles.  I was still a bit sore from Saturday’s run and this walk helps to recover from my long run.

Running: 21.52
Walking: 9.29
Cycling: 10.53

Here’s how training has gone so far:

Week 1
Week 2

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